To think about
“We can lose the sensation of shelter, both emotionally and physically, especially if we live in a city. We become oblivious to the luxury that surrounds us. Over the centuries our homes have evolved to such an extent that nowadays we deem perfect plumbing, heating, storage, technology, even air conditioning to be necessities. Yet when we are on holiday, staying in a rough cabin or a beach house, close to the elements, with a negligible infrastructure, the sense of shelter is palpable and pleasurable. How can we translate this feeling to our everyday lives?
In part it derives from being near to nature. Everything comes alive when we are conscious of contrast. We feel warm because it is cold outside. To feel housed we need to reconnect to the outdoors.
Put in skylights so you can hear the rain pounding down and feel all the cosier, window seats so you can watch the clouds, or French doors so you can let the outdoors in. [...]
Everything feels better in the open air. Even work. Maybe one day you will find a spot to build your own cabin. In the meantime, make a point of taking very basic breaks. Camp or stay in sheds and huts. That way, at least for a while, home will feel like a five-star hotel.”
From the book Home is where the heart is? by Ilse Crawford