Photo by Patrick Demarchelier for Vogue US April 2010, found via Pinterest.

If you like yourself

Driving in Italy, we often listen to an audiobook or podcast instead of music.

Last summer, we went through Catching the Big Fish by David Lynch several times, because it was just so good read by the author himself.

This summer, out of all wise things I have heard in the car so far, this simple piece of wisdom is what I most resonated with:

If you like yourself, your life is happy. If you are struggling with who you are, you are never happy.

This is what Gwyneth Paltrow answered to the the question of how she would define a happy life, adding that it took her a long time, until the age of 39, to realize that.

If you want to, you can listen to the full Pardon my French podcast by Garance Doré on iTunes or here. I found it inspiring.